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Economy Double +

Economy Double +

Cost per night: from 4425 RUR

In the block: bathroom, telephone, teapot. In the room: carpet covering, TV, fridge.

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Economy Single +

Economy Single +

Cost per night: from 3665 RUR

In the block: bathroom, telephone, teaspot. In the room: carpet covering, TV, fridge.

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DBL of 2 rooms block

DBL of 2 rooms block

Cost per night: from 2910 RUR

In the block: bathroom, telephone, teaspot. In the room: carpet covering, TV, fridge.

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SGL of 2 rooms block

SGL of 2 rooms block

Cost per night: from 2275 RUR

In the block: bathroom, telephone, teaspot. In the room: carpet covering, TV, fridge.

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